Thursday 19 December 2013

Rising Movement Across France: LIFT

Every year thousands of people move to France whether as a permanent expat or holiday home owner.  For those who move permanently  it is a daunting time with many challenges to face and sometimes a little local help is just not quite enough.

There's a little pocket of France, that grows steady in numbers monthly which many particularly ladies congregate to and it's called LIFT.  Not a physical location but a private Facebook group and represents Ladies In France Together  

Women from all walks of life who have moved not only across the Channel but from around the world to settle or experience life in France migrate to this online group for a support for a number of reasons.

If there is a question that needs asking, ask LIFT. If someone is feeling down, let LIFT know.  With a lot of members active and online at any one time there is not one post that would go unanswered, the knowledge and experience collectively between the 1700 strong is amazing. If google were to consider us as a search engine it would be giggle. 

The LIFT oracle is consulted for a number of things ranging from recipes, renovation from carte vitale issues to cars from animals to angry birds, from loneliness to laughter.  Quite frequently lunches are arranged across the country for ladies to meet face to face where many 'cyber' friendships are cemented even further by putting the face to the name.   For many women living in France can be a lonely experience for a number of reasons beyond their control and it is wonderful to see such commaraderie in this way.

The speed at which things get done is incredible in June this year a number of Race for Life walks were arranged within 24 hours; dates were organised, venues sussed out and calendar dates set up on the private group for other ladies to share and attend.   The power of the network is such that you could be living in the south of France in need of a lift to get to the North and you can bet your last euro that the LIFT ladies will get it sorted.

If you are a lady living in France, join the group.  If you have a question that needs answering get a LIFT lady to answer it! 

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