Friday 20 December 2013

There's nothing quite like Christmas ... Cake

As with all Christmas's for me, the festive season arrives so very quickly.  I spend a lot of time organising and working through to do lists and building new ones, without actually realising that the festive jobs do actually get done and that while it arrives hurriedly I don't have to beat myself up for leaving everything to the last minute.

But a Christmas cake was definitely not on my to do list, and I'm jolly glad it was not.  For I spent a wonderful evening at Chez Tante Mabel Thursday 19th December decorating my own Christmas Cake.

Proprietor and top cake baker, Bev Barker Brown has recently been hosting Christmas cake decorating workshops, which have proved extremely popular.   Accompanied by some fellow LIFT ladies we arrived at the warm and cosy kitchen of Chez Tante Mabel, the smell of Christmas... cakes, mulled wine and mince pies.  Bev talked us through the cakes and the ingredients that we were going to use to decorate our cakes.

What a great way to get in touch with that inner child before Christmas, particularly those with busy lives with children, having a couple of hours out of the hecticness of it all is delightful.  So there we are rolling out sugar icing, cutting out shapes, talking about our Christmases and feeling quite nostalgic.

Halfway through it was time to take a break with a couple of Bev's mince pies and mulled wine ....mmmm  Let me tell you, Bev does not skimp on ingredients, the mulled wine was gorgeous as were her mince pies.

The final adornments were added to our cakes and lovingly wrapped  by Bev so that they could travel well  to our homes.  All in all it was a couple of hours very well spent.

If you have not visited Chez Tante Mabel, then please do save their website details.  Following on from these successful workshops, Bev will be hosting similar workshops for Easter 2014.  These activities along with the treasure trove of delights in her shop next door, will make a great place to escape to,  with or without the children!

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